The FTC filed suit in federal court in Seattle and said it alleged that “Amazon has knowingly duped millions of consumers into unknowingly enrolling in Amazon Prime.”The FTC said Amazon used “manipulative, coercive or deceptive user-interface designs known as ‘dark patterns’ to trick consumers into enrolling in automatically renewing Prime subscriptions.”
Amazon Prime offers fast, free shipping on millions of items, various discounts and access to movies, music and television series, as well as other benefitsคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. Prime members in the United States generally pay $139 per year and drive much of Amazon’s sales volume. Prime has more than 20…
Cambodia’s biggest export market, the EU, warned this month that the Southeast Asian nation would lose special access to the world’s largest trading bloc, in a punitive response to its move away from democracy.Some Western countries have criticised a July election won by Prime Minister Hun Sen, calling it flawed, because of a campaign of intimidation by his allies, and the lack of a credible opposition dissolved by the Supreme Court.
The repercussions could devastate garment exports that account for about 40 percent of Cambodia’s gross domestic product (GDP), and industries such as sugar.”The European market is an important one,” said At Thon, the president of the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Unionคำพูดจาก The MoU has been signed to extend the partnership for three years, covering a period from January 2017 to December 2019, during which the partners will collaborate to work together to build the institutional sustainability of the programme.Cambodia has agreed to contribute approximately 25 per cent to the BFC budget over the next three years, while international garment buyers sourcing from Cambodia who use the ILO BFC programme assessment reports and factories that participate in BFC training courses will contribute to programme operation based on fees for services rendered. The BFC program will continue to assess working conditions in garment factories based on Cambodian labour law and internationally recognised core labour standards, and to report on its findings publicly by de…
The new website is a globally sourced and curated destination featuring 125 brands that offer clothing for children ages 0-12คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. Maisonette aggregates hard-to-find kids’ boutiques such as Yoya in New York City and Arcade in Nashville, and offers exclusive brands such as Stella McCartney, Bonpoint and Oeuf.The e-commerce website raised $2.775 million in seed round funding from NEA, a venture capital firm that invested in and Moda Operandi, and Thrive Partners, an early investor in Warby Parker and Harry’s. Other private investors include Michael Kors, Andrew Rosen and Marcus Wainwright.
“We were inspired to launch Maisonette because of the…
The rating agency has 19 names in its retail and apparel portfolio now trading at Caa/Ca. “Moody’s-rated US retailers rated Caa or Ca today make up just over 13 percent of our total rated retail portfolio, which is the highest level since the Great Recession, when this group comprised 16 percent of the portfolio,” says Moody’s Vice President Charlie O’Shea, in a news statement. “And the increase comes at the same time as the broader universe of Caa rated companies is likewise growing.” คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง
In terms of debt, the 19 Caa/Ca companies in the agency’s retail portfolio owe roughly $5 billion in debt through 2021, with about 40 percent of this due by th…
LVMH, Prada, H&M, Zara, Adidas, Nike, New Balance, UGG..คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. The unfortunate common point between these brands? Their potential role in deforestation in the Amazon. A number of major fashion brands could indeed be contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest because of their links with tanneries and other companies involved in leather production.So suggests a study by the NGO, which found that more than 50 fashion brands sold around the world have multiple ties to JBS, the largest Brazilian leather exporter, known for its impact on Amazon deforestation.คำพูดจาก The platform-to-business (P2B) law, proposed by the European Commission in April last year, is the latest move by Europe to rein in online giants and ensure they treat smaller rivals and users fairly.Lawmakers at the European Parliament gave the green light to the new laws on Wednesday, which will have to be rubber stamped by the European Council in the coming months before they take effect. Negotiators from all three bodies reached a political deal in February.คำพูดจาก ทดลองใช้ สูตรสล็อต The new rules, which will cover 7,000 online companies, target e-commerce market places, app stores, social media and price comparison tools.Google’s three products Play, Shopping and Search, …
Shares in Kolmar Korea, whose clients include Unilever, fell 6.2% on Friday after a storm of online protest over the video, which the firm said later had been intended as training for employees on how not to react too emotionally to issues.The two countries are locked in bitter trade and diplomatic rows over a South Korean court ruling late last year that ordered Japanese firms to compensate forced labourers during Japan’s occupation.
Japan warned on Thursday it could broaden export restrictions to South Korea beyond three chipmaking materials put under export control last month.During staff meetings this week, Kolmar Korea chairman Yoon Dong-han played a YouTube video that criticised South Korean President Moon Jae-in and praised Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, according to So…
With the support of the Humane Society of the United States, the brand’s collections will therefore no longer feature furs such as fox, mink, lynx, chinchilla, and karakul lamb, or exotic skins like python, alligator, crocodile and lizard. The label will, however, continue to use leathers and shearling, which are understood to be by-products of the meat industry.คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง
The move to ban fur is part of a wider strategy being implemented at the brand in order to make its operations more environmentally conscious and sustainable. “Balance is key – recognizing that we will always have a footprint but offsetting it with small gestures that eventually amo…
After news of the launch of the collection, British newspaper ‘i’ contacted the band to alert it to allegations of labour abuse in the firm’s supply chain.A Channel 4 documentary called Untold: Inside the Shein Machine had earlier claimed garment makers in factories supplying the brand were working extremely long hours for a pittance.คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง
The Shein x Rolling Stones deal was negotiated by Universal Music Group’s Bravado International Group Merchandising Services unit.Meanwhile, after being alerted to the issue, late on Monday, a spokesperson for The Rolling Stones was quoted by the newspaper saying: “We would like to thank